Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Feliz Ano Nuevo!!

Happy New Year!! Can you believe 2007 is over and today is the first day of 2008? Every year on January 1 I wonder what things I will do and how life might be different by December 31, and this year definitely is no exception. Last January 1, I never imagined that I would be in Costa Rica, so we'll see what surprises come by next January 1!

I am so thankful for everything that God has done over this past year, He helped me get accredited with the CMA and become a missionary canidate (something else I didn't think would happen), graduate from college, get back to Peru, learn about Costa Rica, raise support for Costa Rica, get to Costa Rica, and even squeeze time to visit Harland and Josie, as well as travel to Florida to visit family and watch my sister win a National Championship! There are so many other things that I am so thankful for that happened throughout 2007, but it would become a very long and boring blog if I wrote even half of what I'm thankful for...

Maybe I should tell you a little about the New Year's traditions in Costa Rica are. Mostly, there are fireworks, tons and tons of fireworks. (Well to be completely honest, Ticos love fireworks, leading up to Christmas and New Years they are firing off fireworks every night.) Fireworks may not seem too unusal, but it's not like at home where they all shoot off in one place so you sit nicely and watch the wonderful show...no these are big fireworks that are shot off from ever direction, you constantly have to turn around and you always miss something. Then there really is no big end to the lightshow, it just goes on and on until they run out of fireworks...It was definitely a neat experience and fun to watch!

Thank you for sending me here, I am excited to see where 2008 takes me, and please keep me posted about where God is leading you!

1 comment:

Jeff and Lisa Olson said...

Hi Jess!

Happy New Year... we have enjoyed reading all of your posts/adventures!
I agree... It is so fun and wild to look back over the year and reflect on how much has changed/occured...! I am so happy for you!
It has been a blast watching God lead and guide you this year!

Your in our prayers!