Saturday, January 19, 2008


Yesterday (Friday) was the birthday party for 2 of my friends who live in my old house. It was TONS of fun with only a little bit of craziness...

Stig, one of the birthday people, wanted to have fun decorations, so we went all out on the balloons, they were everywhere! Then for table clothes there was Wonder Woman and Elmo, the pinata was Elmo, there were Teenage Mutan Ninja Turtle and Nemo (from Finding Nemo) party hats, a pin the tale on the donkey (that we forgot to play), and probably more, but I can't remember it all.

(I helped Stig with the craziness in the decorating.)

(This was the pinata, an Elmo Balloon in front...)

(I really have no idea what Clay is doing in this picture)

(All the ladies in the kitchen, I did do some work and not just take pictures...)

(Kari was our find cake decorator)

(Look how pretty it turned out!)

(The honored Birthday people, Stig and Meli)

(Stig, Clay, Meli, Debra, and Monika)

(Me with Meli, the Birthday Princess)

(Me with Stig, the Birthday Boy)

(Grabbing some food, we had a veggie platter, chips, and chili dogs! yum yum yum!!)

(Clay enjoying his chili dog. I think this is my favorite picture of the took a while for my camera to take the pic, so he was posed like this for a while!!)

(Some of the guys from Stig's youth group)

(Stig taking a swing at the pinata. He only used a toy hammer and in about 4 hits the pinata broke.)

(For those of you who I teased about finding a boyfriend, here he is!! His name is Ethan Samuel and he is completely adorable!!)

This was just a fun time for us all to hang out and I was able to meet some other people who used to live in the house as well as some of the people from Stig's youth group (mostly Columbians if I remember correctly).


Dale said...

Hi Jessica;

I'm glad to see that you are doing well and truly being immersed in the culture!

We think and talk about you often -what a great experience this must be for you!

Maggie is anxious to talk to you in Spanish - and I think your experience is making her think about doing something similar.

Well, take care - have fun, do good things, and enjoy God's plan for you.

Uncle Dale

Dave & Sue Lloyd said...

Hey there kiddo!
What fun!!! Their birthday parties look like our birthday parties here in the states!! It is fun to see "big kids" having fun with the cartoon characters still! You will have to explain who every one is or did you and your "old" mom doesn't remember reading it! It is great to see that you are enjoying what you are doing and that you are getting acquainted with those around you!
Love ya lots and am praying for you and Kari daily!