Sunday, January 20, 2008

2 Days of Fasting

If everyone could be praying for Kari and I. Monday and Tuesday we will be fasting. It all started with an e-mail from the Missionary Candidate Coordinator (I'm not sure exactly what his title is, but he's in charge of me at this stage of my CMA missions experience - and not related with OnMission). In the head offices of the CMA, they are changing things around and aren't sure exactly where they are going to be getting money to support missionaries. So Rick Byham (the coordinator), sent an e-mail to all the candidates to ask them to take Monday and/or Tuesday to fast.

Kari and I decided this would be a good thing (and its always easier to fast with someone). We will spend one day praying about the situation with the CMA and the other praying about OnMission and personal things we need/want to pray for.

This will be my first full day (2 days fasting). I'm not sure how it will go, but please pray for the things listed above, as well as that Kari and I are sustained during this time.

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