Sunday, April 26, 2009

Celula en Guizaros

In the same neighborhood where I go Saturday mornings for El Comedor, Bible study and lunch for the kids, we have recently just started a celula (or Bible Study group) for the teenagers and young adults. This has been something on Cecilia's heart (Cecilia is the woman God gave the vision for the Comedor). The group has met for 3 weeks now, and I have participate in the last 2 meetings.

It has been a HUGE encouragement. There are roughly 20 people coming, and a number that has not diminished! When starting up something like this, especially in a neighborhood like Guizaros, one never knows what it will turn out like. So when 20 some people showed up the first week, it was a big deal (everyone thought there would be less people). Then one thinks, well maybe they are all just curious about what it's all about and after a week or 2, no one comes any more. But for 3 straight weeks we have had 20 some people, and the same 20 some people! The teens really seem interested and want to be a part of what is happening.

My first week there, Alejandra (the youth leader from my church) shared about the gift God gave us through Jesus's sacrifice. She presented it in a way that was new for me, but I liked it. She talked about a gift and how when someone gives another person a gift, that gift does not become useful until it is open. Once the person has their gift, it is theirs, but if they want to enjoy it, they MUST open it. In the same way, God has given each person a gift, it is theirs, but to enjoy it, they must first open it.

At the end of the night, she asked if anyone was ready to accept that gift and OPEN it, to pray with her...12 people prayed and accepted the gift of Salvation that night! What an encouragement!

The following week, Alejandra talked about trust. We need to trust that God is with us and guiding us. He gave a cloud of fire and a cloud of smoke to the Israelites when they left Egypt. The Israelites saw all kinds of miracles, yet they had a hard time trusting God. But that did not change the fact that God was there, that He was watching over them, protecting them, and guiding them. So...if God did that then, we know that He continues to do that now, with us.

Again, at the end of the night, Alejandra gave another opportunity to accept Christ for those who were not at the group the week before, or simply were not ready at that time. I did not get the number of people who accepted then, but I know Alejandra was talking with 2 girls when we finished!

So I ask that you please keep this youth in your prayers. They live in a poor neighborhood. Life is not easy there. And as a Christian, I imagine it will be even more difficult. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep these youth in your prayers. They meet every Tuesday night (13-17 years old) and Saturday afternoon (18+). Little by little I know that God will change this neighborhood. We started with the children, Cecilia meets with some women, and now, finally, the youth. One step at a time, one person at a time, change is possible!

Thank you for partnering with me, and through that, making this change possible!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thanks for Your Prayers

I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has been praying for me during my time here. It has been a huge blessing to have you all with me in this way. I know that SO many things could have happened in the last 16 months that hasn't due to your prayers. And especially in the last month.

For those who are not aware, I was sick for about 2 weeks after my sister left. I lost weight (I have found out that since coming I have lost over 10lbs which is pretty exciting), did not have an appetite, and other, not so fun symptoms. After letting my parents know, who then passed on the word and many of you started praying, I started feeling better. It was probably the most obvious answer to prayer I have least in a long time. I did go to the doctor to just make sure everything was ok, so when I go to Peru I do not have to worry about any more problems. It is likely that I had a parasite, but between the prayers (my real medicine) and the perscription the doctor gave me (just to make sure all the bad bacteria was dead) I am feeling much better!