Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Life in Costa Rica

I realized that I have been telling you about what I’ve been doing here in Costa Rica, which is of course a good thing, however, some of you maybe interested in knowing about some norms here. I’ll try to let you know about some of these things from time to time. Today I’ll tell you about one of the negatives…BUGS, there are many bugs around.

I have little ants in room that crawl everywhere (although hopefully this problem is now taken care of since Kari gave me a poison!). The on Sunday when I was taking a nap after being up since 4am, I woke up at one point to have a whole bunch of ants crawling on my pillow (YUCK!!). Normally I would have 1 or 2 (which I can handle), but there were a couple dozen (which I just cannot handle). Sunday night I kept dreaming there were many ants crawling on my pillow making it hard to sleep at times…

The other insect that causes me to start is the cockroach. My first night in CR there was a cockroach in the kitchen I had to kill because Kari wasn’t wearing shoes and I was. That definitely wasn’t as bad as a couple days later when, during my shower, I turned around and found I had company. That was probably the grossest thing. Let’s just say that was a very quick shower (and now I check every time before getting into the shower to make sure I will be alone).

Then of course there are spiders, but that’s not really all that different from home. The same day I had a cockroach in my shower, I had a spider on my towel. I was definitely thinking, “why do I have to have both in one day, couldn’t I just have the cockroach one day and a spider the next??” I can’t say I felt too clean after that shower…


Sarah, Steve, Andy and AJ said...
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Sarah, Steve, Andy and AJ said...

Although I read your blog regularly, this one will stay with me for a while. I couldn't handle all the ants and bugs...you be brave. I would be having nightmares also. Your descriptions remind me how lucky I am in my life and in my country. We think of you often. Take care of yourself.
Sent with love,

Our Family said...

Thanks for keeping us updated about your good times, and the not so good ones. We have been praying back here at Hope will pray for you again tonight in youth group.

May God instill a mighty fear of you in all the little pests. Then the will stay away!