Sunday, April 13, 2008

El Dia National de Gallo Pinto

Interesting, or possibly strange, fact about Costa Rica. Today was El Dia National de Gallo Pinto (National Gallo Pinto Day). Now this probably doesn't mean a whole lot to you, at least not until you know what gallo pinto is...Gallo pinto is a rice and bean meal that is a popular food for breakfast in Costa Rica. Today, if you went to downtown San Jose, you could get a plate of gallo pinto for free. (I didn't go, I honestly forgot about it this afternoon, I was too busy spending time with one of the CMA missionary families here.) I haven't quite decided how I feel about a national holiday for food...I don't even really know why it's a holiday nor how it got started...but...

There you go, another strange/interesting thing about life in Costa Rica!

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