Sunday, October 28, 2007


Well, for those of you who have not yet heard, I have my plane tickets. I will be leaving on Thursday, December 6. Knowing my departure date has created mixed feelings. I am excited about going and seeing what all God has in store for the year and I am excited to know when this adventure will officially start, but having a date also makes this real and the feelings I have about leaving home are slowly coming to the surface.

Now that I know when I am leaving, the good byes have started. Before, leaving was a day in the future that I could, in a sense, forget about and pretend it may not happen, but now that I have that date, I start to think about all the people I need and want to say goodbye to. Goodbyes are never easy, but knowing (or not knowing) what the future holds for the next year makes saying goodbye even harder in many ways. There are so many people I want to say goodbye to and there are some that I won't be able to, at least not in person.

My first goodbye happened while I was in Washington visiting Harlan and Josie. Mom, Dad, and I flew out to visit Harlan and Josie to see where they are living, where they are working, and meet some of the people they have come to know. It was so much fun to be able to see them again. Not only did we get to do the things I mentioned above, but we were able to do some "touristy" things like go the beach (although it was cold and the seagulls wanted to eat our food), walk through the Olympic Rainforest (which was incredibly beautiful), go to the Future of Flight (the Boeing factory where they make the Boeing 700 serie planes), and just spend time with Harlan and Josie. Overall, we had a great week and when it was time to go, it was hard saying goodbye even though we all know that what we are doing is what God wants us to be doing.


Jeff and Lisa Olson said...


I got your letter in the mail yesterday! It was so good to hear from you! I am so excited to see what God is going to do in and through you in this next chapter!

We look forward to your updates :-)

Sarah, Steve, Andy and AJ said...

You are a very brave woman. I admire your ability to let God lead your life at such a young age. May God stay with you and guide you during the next year especially. Your outer family will be here praying for you and waiting for your return.
I'll send photos of the boys during the year to your e-mail address.
Stay safe and stay smart.

Dave & Sue Lloyd said...

All too soon you will be winging your way to Costa Rica. Wow! I am so excited for you. You have grown into such a beautiful woman who wants nothing but to serve and follow God in every aspect of your life. And now you are following God's leading in the next chapter in the adventure of your life. It is hard to see you leave yet I know that God will be with you always. And as you let go of my hand, continue to tightly hold on to His hand. For He will never leave you or forsake you (Heb. 13:5). You are amazing! "May the God of peace...equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen." (Heb. 13:20-21).

With all my love,